The Redwood Estates
January 1927: Every worth-while accomplishment may be summarized by the words “vision put into action”. That, in brief, tells the story of the Redwood Estates. During the past twenty years or more, thinking men and women in every walk of life have more keenly than ever realized the strenuous pace of our modern civilization – the nervous and physical wear and tear due to the artificiality of city life. Rest, relaxation, r e c r e a t i o n, pure air, pure water, the refreshing and reinvigorating contact with nature – these are the things we need!
These Cabinland magazine issues were photocopied from the historic originals at the Los Gatos Public Library by Marlene Wiley (1936-2017), author, publisher, and founder of the Mountain History Group.
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Cabinland Magazine – The Redwood Estates Company
Vol. 1, Nos. 1 - 6, 1927 (11 MB)
Vol. 1, Nos. 7 - 12, 1927 (13 MB)
Vol. 2, Nos. 1 - 6, 1928 (11 MB)
Vol. 2, Nos. 7 - 12, 1928 (10 MB)
Link: Redwood Estates Company Sales Promotional Film
A circa 1927 silent film promoting the new mountainside community of Redwood Estates, above Los Gatos on the Santa Cruz Highway, California.
By Harry W. Grassle, Manager Redwood Estates
We want to assure the fortunate lot-owners in the Redwood Estates that our interest in them does not cease with their purchase of this property – that it is our purpose to keep our Redwood Estates family just as closely connected as possible into one big community. To this end, interesting community activities will be arranged from time to time. One such event was the memorable turkey-chase of November 20th. Other events will follow. Now comes this monthly publication – your magazine – “Cabinland.”
The purpose of “Cabinland” is to make us better acquainted with one another – with our mutual plans, purposes, and desires. And “Cabinland” is to be our way of accomplishing this by enabling us to meet with you and talk to each of you personally.
In return we want you to write in to us and tell us how we can make Redwood Estates better, how we can make improvements – in fact, any suggestions that you may have of any kind.
Thus, “Cabinland” is the open forum where we can meet and discuss affairs together. With the co-operation of our readers, we assure them that this publication will be of such interest that it will find a welcome in their homes each month.
For those Who Have Not Yet Seen the Redwood Estates
This beautiful land of cabins is on the Santa Cruz highway six miles out of Los Gatos – look for the Dutch Windmill on the right. You are welcome at all times to drive out and view the Estates. And we are more than glad to take you out in bonded cars with careful, courteous drivers, without charge and without obligation. All you need to do it drop off a postal card or call on the telephone at the office nearest to you.