We have a home

After much looking, squinting, pondering, LoopNet trolling, and Craig’ List hunting, we have found our landing spot on the West Side of Santa Cruz in the Swift Street District.

We are soon to receive the keys and can begin building, fitting and kitting out the new facility We are going to have a very busy summer. 

Small. Very small. Not 1500sqft. Not 1000sqft. We have ~815sqft to work with. A square box with high ceilings. Perfect location. Coffee, beer, wine, food, ice cream, organic grocery, and other creatives and like minds all next door. Will it work. You bet! We can make what we need fit with comfort in a well rounded facility.

Where exactly? Secret. Shhh. Can’t tell anyone yet. Stay tuned.

© Special Edition Art Project, LLC 2018