Special Winter Facility Rate: $12 per hour
Shared Darkroom:
$12 per hour – pro-rated to nearest 1/3 hour
- The darkroom may be shared if others are using the same process at the same time
- SEAP will provide eco-pro developer, stop, fixer, and clearing chemistry for Silver Gelatin processing
- SEAP will provide eco-pro fixer, Citric Acid, etc. for Siderotype* processes
- Available work surfaces are yours to utilize
- Basic lab supplies are available (rulers, cutters, levels, enlarging easels, grain focuser, etc.)
- Includes Digital Lab access (computers, scanner, printer)
Private Darkroom:
$20 per hour
- SEAP will provide eco-pro developer, stop, fixer, and clearing chemistry for Silver Gelatin processing
- SEAP will provide eco-pro fixer, Citric Acid, etc. for Siderotype* processes
- You can use your own chemistry, subject to approval
- Hazardous chemistries and toners, such as Selenium and Chromates, are your responsibility to remove when your session is finished. SEAP will not dispose of these chemicals.
- Some developers, stops, and clearing agents may also be your responsibility to remove.
Darkroom Equipment:
3 Beseler 45MX enlargers with condenser heads
2 UV light boxes (18x20 print size)
Basic darkroom lab supplies (trays, cutters, levels, contact print frames, measuring vessels, etc.)
NOT included in Lab Rates (available to purchase):
Photo paper for silver gelatin
Art paper for Siderotypes*
Emulsions chemistry for Siderotypes*
OHP transparencies for printing negatives
* Siderotypes are iron-based chemistries, also often referred to as ‘alternative historic’ photo chemistries. These include Cyanotype, Vandyke Brown, Ziatype, Kallitype, and Platinum/Palladium (Pt/Pd)
Computer Rates:
$12/hour – pro-rated to nearest 1/3 hour
Scanner usage
Printer usage (does NOT include ink and paper)
Use of available work surfaces
Basic lab supplies (rulers, cutters, levels, stapler, etc.)
Printer Ink Rates:
$0.02 per square inch - Negatives
$0.04 per square inch - Color
3-HOUR TOUR - Mini-Workshops ($45):
Using an image straight from your phone or a digital camera, we will walk you through the process of making your very own print.
When: Anytime! Just come on in and ask for the 3-Hour Tour
- Your choice of 8”x10” print in Silver Gelatin, Cyanotype, or Vandyke Brown process
- Create a digital negative in Photoshop
- Make light-sensitive paper (only for Cyanotype and Vandyke Brown)
- Use the darkroom and learn the wet process for your chosen print chemistry
pricing subject to change - rev 2018-2